

Barbara Watson, RN ret’d, JD, PhD (ABD)

Wisdom Wellness

Meditation, Stress Management,

Relaxation Response

Brief Biography

Barbara Watson is a seasoned meditator, wellness educator and published author with over 20,000 teaching hours to her credit, who designs courses to accord pedagogically with adult learning principles. She has educated students in both in-class and online courses at universities, hospitals and other institutions. Barbara began teaching Meditation in 1980 and added The Relaxation Response in 1983. Barbara marries Western psychology and neuroscience with Easter philosophy in her teachings. She and her family enjoy meditating both indoors and outdoors with nature at their country home. She is currently developing new classes, while continuing to teach Meditation.

Selected Testimonials

Just a note to say thank you… Thank you Barbara for your guidance through all your course. It was very helpful. For my first course after so many years, this was a great experience and I look forward to more. Thank you again and all the best… CN

Hi Barbara… Thanks for kind guidance throughout the course....my first journey to and experience in online study was great… THANKS FOR EVERYTHING… NS

Just want to say that I am grateful for meditation. It has widened my spiritual experience and given me a deeper awareness of my journey. Thanks for being our teacher… GP

Dear Barbara… I wanted to take a minute to thank you for your sincere interest in the success of your students. You have made the workload fun and interactive, accessibility to information easy, and it has been a pleasure. This course has been enjoyable and a fantastic learning experience… ML … And in reply… Very well said, ML. I want to thank Barbara too. It was absolute pleasure working with such a dedicated tutor online. Best wishes to all… AA

Just wanted to say thank you Barbara for all of your help and understanding! I am happy that I was able to complete this course at home, it was a great experience and I am looking forward to what life brings next! Take care!!! :) … YL

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